The magic of Italian countryside

The best parts of any country aren’t necessarily the hotspots that most tourists tend to gather – and this is particularly true about Italy. Away from the busy cities and the coastal beach towns, Italy boasts some of the most beautiful countryside that the world has to offer.

It’s not just hills of natural scenery either, from village to village and town to town, you’ll find hidden spots of charming and exciting historical, cultural and architectural interest – providing you with an insight into the Italian way of life you won’t find anywhere else across the country. If you want the full Italian experience, you must venture out of the cities and explore the magic of the countryside too…

The magic of Italian countryside

Hire your own personal transport

The best way to venture across any rural area is to go by personal transport – this way you won’t be tied down to any times and restrictions of public transportation. It’ll give you a sense of liberating freedom like no other. If you don’t have your own vehicle, why not hire you own car for you to head out in? Perhaps even think about a campervan so you don’t have to worry about accommodation each night. A gypsy lifestyle is a fantastically delightful way to travel..

Be patient

If you’re someone who gets bored easily or suffers from travel sickness, then exploring the countryside is probably not for you. Road trips offer a spiritual experience for you to reconnect with yourself as well as the surroundings around you. So when you’re traveling from A to B on the map, be patient. Spend your spare hours gazing out of the window and reveling in the beauty you see.

Explore the local cuisine

One of the best parts about traveling is the food, and Italian cuisine certainly doesn’t let you down when it comes to warming and hearty dishes. As you travel across the rural areas, there will be plenty of quaint local cafes and restaurants for you to dine in. The countryside is also where you’ll find the most authentic Italian food too – we’re talking fresh, homemade, and local produce that’ll taste like nothing you’ve ever eaten before. You could also explore local farms and neighborhoods to learn more about the cultural cuisine.

Embrace the outdoors

If you’re on a road trip across the countryside, it’s pretty much a given that you’ll have to embrace the outdoors – but is that a bad thing? Forget about the hustle and bustle of modern life and connect with nature around you. Italian countryside offers you gorgeous scenic hills and beautiful spots of woodland – so buy a tough pair of hiking boots and venture off into the distance by foot. You’ll find miles and miles of charming vineyards too – so make sure you enjoy a sample of their produce for dinner.

The magic of Italian countryside

Relish in the tranquility

If a personal campervan isn’t adequate accommodation for you, then there’s of course plenty of local small B&Bs or villas for you to book across the towns and villages. However, to get the full experience, try and embrace the sense of tranquility you get from fully immersing yourself in the rural surroundings. Of course, these types of outdoorsy trips are best enjoyed during the summer months, so kick back, relax, and let the Italian sun shine down on your skin as you breathe in the fresh countryside air.

If Italy is on your bucket list, then remember it’s not all about Rome, Florence, and Venice. Away from the bright lights, you’ll find the best of what Italy has to offer in the calmness of natural landscapes and charm of local villages.

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