10 Tips First-Time Pet Owners

Are you considering becoming a pet owner? Did a stray kitten win your heart? What about a disabled bird? Do you plan to become their caretaker? There’s a lot to consider when you haven’t cared for animals before. It’s difficult to take care of ourselves—food, water, medical, hygiene, and encouragement—and animals are even more difficult due to their difference in genetics. Let’s not forget the language barrier, too. So, we assume you need some tips to get you started. We have the perfect one’s for you to explore!

1.  Do Your Research

Every species has different needs. Each breed has unique quirks that make them who they are. So, before committing to this beautiful, yet harrowing journey, do you research. What kind of food do they eat? Do they need a special kind of water? What about stimulation? Do they require attention 24/7?

2.  Think About Your Schedule

Your schedule is very important when it comes to caring for pets. Do you travel for your job? Do you work triple shifts at a hospital? If you’re busy, is there someone you can rely on to babysit your pet? Animals require space, exercise, and most importantly, attention. You can’t expect a dog to live in their pen for days if you travel across the country every week.

3.  Assess Your Budget

Depending on the pet, bills can get expensive. If you adopt an elderly dog with health problems, they’re going to require medicine and regular vet visits. Are you purchasing tropical fish? They require a lot of equipment in order to survive in their new home. It can cost hundreds of dollars simply to set up the tank.

4.  Gather Supplies

After assessing your schedule and budget, you have to gather all the supplies. Lizards will need a terrarium and rabbits will need a pen. If you are bringing home a cat, you’ll need a litter box and loads of toys. The food brands will need to be researched, as many companies don’t use healthy ingredients in their formulas. Don’t skimp on supplies. Would you want to live without a bed?

5.  Pet-Proof Your House

Dogs and cats are notorious for furniture and carpet mayhem. They get into things they shouldn’t, such as stored food and even toxic cleaning supplies. Purchase gates to block pathways, and invest in stain-resistant upholstery like faux leather or polyester. Some scratch-resistant hardwood may be worth your time, too.

6.  ID Tags Or Microchip

ID tags are very beneficial, even if you have an indoor pet. Animals love to escape when they get the chance. All it takes is looking away from the open door for one second before your cat is down the street. ID tags with your address and their name will help them return home safely. Microchips are even better, as it provides all of the pet’s information to those who scan it.

7.  Find A Veterinarian

It’s important to take your pet in for annual checkups. Just like us, they can get sick. Taking them in can even prevent disorders from forming, like diabetes. There’s pet insurance available if you want to be covered for the worst. However, finding a vet that cares about their patients will be your top priority.

8.  Take The Time To Train

Animals are smarter than we give them credit for. So smart, in fact, that they will not listen to you. You need to take the time to train them. It’s best to start when they’re young, but if you don’t have the opportunity, old dogs can certainly learn new tricks. It’s all about encouragement, treats, and patience.

9.  Bond With Them

Whatever you’re doing, bond with your pet. They know who to trust and who not to. Take the time to learn their language. Research their body language and try to mimic it. Cats, for example, don’t smile, but they do blink slowly. This is their way of saying, “I see you. I acknowledge you. I love you?” It’s hard to say how far their feelings go for us, but if you get a slow blink from a cat, you’re in their good graces.

10.  Love Them

As much work and stress they cause, they also benefit us immensely. They provide comfort when we’re lonely and teach us responsibility when we need to grow up. Although it can’t be said for certain if they love us, it certainly feels like it. So, love and respect them in return.

Are you running to the shelter right now? Adopting is always a great option, as there are animals who’ve been abandoned or lost. Providing a home for one of these wonderful animals will mean a rewarding relationship for you both. We wish you luck on your search and never be afraid to ask first-time pet owner questions. Don’t neglect to ask the animal themselves. Maybe your pet will have the answer?

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